Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Heeeere, chicken chicken...!

Voting has begun!!! There aren't many Americans among the expats over here in Laos, so 2:1 expats (mainly Aussies & Kiwis) I've spoken with just don't get how I can be so excited -- personally effusive -- about these elections (ok, ok, n=3). BUT I'm proud to see through Facebook how vested my friends at home are in this election. And the world is galvanized from parties in Africa to dedicated cakes in the town of Obama, Japan.


While we wait for the results (and I OD on CNN International and Katjes gummy fruits), let's talk about chickens. Real chickens. And ducks and turkeys. Today I tagged along on a visit to an in-city backyard poultry slaughterhouse. Sounds icky, but it was really interesting!

Caution: the following images may not be for the faint of heart (not much blood though).

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