Sunday, November 30, 2008

Health Headlines

My friend and colleague Not said it best (and with such cute English) with, "Ellen sad because small cat pass away."

That was the closest thing I've had to caring for an animal farther up the evolutionary tree than a fish, so the whole experience was rather traumatic for me. If a vet had been at the office, they never would've let me take it home b/c its chance for survival was so slim from the start.

And well, I've always said that I'd make an interesting case study for the mental-physical health link, and so here we go again. My stomach has not sat easy, and I'll leave it at that. Out of curiosity, I went online to see what's new in health and found these interesting headlines (disclaimer: I haven't actually reviewed any of these studies, so can't vouch for their findings):

2 December is National Day here in Laos, and everyone in the city is getting ready with new coats of paint, strings of lights, and flags (the red, white, and blue Lao national flag + red and yellow hammer and sickle flag). The lights and gentle coolness of the evenings remind me of Christmas back in Louisiana. Curious to see what this 2 December holiday brings.

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