Left the office plenty early to get to the 16:45 WHO Open House event, since I'd never gone out to the WHO office before on my own, particularly through rush hour traffic. Unfortunately, I thought 16:45 meant 5:45, which...for those of you as slow as me...it doesn't. So I was not at all early.
It was the housewarming, of sorts, for the new WHO office building, and the Lao Minister of Health and UN representative to Lao were there for the obligatory speeches (although not as painful as Japanese ones). The formalities ended with "tree plantation," which turned out not to be like the similar sounding CARE development activities of tea plantation or goat bank (that's gotta be my fav). Here are some photos of the event, including staff from WHO wearing their beautiful sinh.
Afterwards, Monica, Dave, and I hung out at Francette's place nearby (after she'd put Jacques to bed) and then later met up with Seng and friends for drinks at KopJaiDeu. Seng is a Lao national studying in Thailand for his MPH and doing his thesis on AI stuff.
I was getting kinda tired and folded my arms for support, when Seng said, "Are you cold?" Then, he informed me that in Thai, if a man says he's cold, that means he's cold. But if a woman says she's cold (now), then she's lookin' fer some action! What, what?? Then how do I say I'm cold?? Seng had to think hard about it, but said I could use the word that describes ice (nieng). Now that doesn't seem so fair, does it?
1 comment:
So thinking back, have you been cold in the last few weeks and then been hit on mysteriously? :) and how's the motorbiking coming along?!
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